Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Cup Runneth Over

Tonight I feel thankful. I had a good conversation with my brother which was a long time coming. Long story short, he and I had it out last week during the stressful time of losing a beloved family friend.

He called me tonight and I think we reached a turning point. We had a good conversation and I am very thankful for that. The last person I want to fight with is my own brother--he's the only sibling I have.

My youngest son and I just read a good night story and just as I was about to tuck him in, he reached up to hug me and surprised me by giving me a goodnight kiss; he has never given out many kisses, even when he was a very tiny child.

My oldest son has his big end-of-the-year disco dance tomorrow and I am thrilled at the idea of being a chaperone! It's been a lot of fun watching him grow over the years. He had a band concert at school the other day and I swelled with pride watching him play. The stinker even told me in a very blase manner that he made 1st chair. I told him that's a big deal and how proud I was of him.

I love the little things in life. It's not about money or what material posessions you have. Moments are what matter most and what I will always cherish. Life is good.


Janna said...

Thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog. If your brother has any questions about Guam etc. Let me know. It really is a great place and more modern than people would expect. Glad you got to get things cleared up with him because as we know life is too short to stay mad.

BeautifulDisaster311 said...

Thanks, Janna--I appreciate the offer! I'm going to direct his wife to your blog and maybe ya'll can get to know one another. My sister in law doesn't know a stranger!