Monday, July 28, 2008

vacation so far...

has been interesting. and rushed. and group-oriented. pictures coming soon.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

First day of the vacay

We have arrived in Laguna Beach and it's just as wonderful this year as it was last year! The high yesterday was 75-ish with a cool breeze. This morning we're going to see the hubby's brother whom I've never met so I'm a little nervous. I don't have time to post pictures of our first sunset from last night but hopefully I will this evening, along with pictures from meeting James etc.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

weekend fun!


Robert, Myself and Tim

Katie and I workin' it on the karaoke stage

So much fun!

The end of a great night

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My weekend in pictures

Brad helping at the carwash

Brad singing karaoke (just like his mama) with his friends Dylan and Josh

Lake pictures

my little fish




Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Case of the Missing MP3 Player...

I lost my MP3 player at the end of the high school baseball season. Actually, it was right around the time when the Mavs were playing their last couple of playoff games. There we were at a Decatur (home) baseball game and I had intended to bring said MP3 player with me because I was going to have to keep stats for my hubby while he filmed the game. I remember this because I was going to listen to the Mavs on ESPN radio and when I got to the stands, I realized I had left it in the car.
We got home that night and I specifically remember rolling up the headphones and carrying it in my hands--along with about 20 other items--and bringing it into the house. I have not been able to find it since. This has crushed me. I loved my little device! It was so sleek and cute with its pink headphones and digital screen. It saw me through many a grueling workout at my beloved Edge and kept me sane during the flight to CA last summer. Wherefore art thou, dear friend? It's time to bring in reinforcements. I'm recruiting my mom's brand-new, unused MP3 player as my back-up until we're reunited.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Small Miracles

Tonight we were on our way home frm hanging out with some friends in Ft. Worth. I was absolutely exhausted and it ended up taking two hours to get home because Robert was asleep in the passenger seat and not able to help me navigate my way home. We're about 4 miles from home on 287 when I literally fell asleep at the wheel and woke up in time to catch myself as I'm seconds away from crashing into the grass median. I turn the AC up on full blast and scramble to find a radio station with a song that I can sing along to at the top of my lungs just to keep me awake long enough to get home. I turn it to KLTY and the song that's on is one of my favorites by Newsboys (it's almost over) and it says, "God is watching over you as always. You are loved whatever you go through. He's right beside you. God is watching over you as always and if you think He'll ever leave you, you better think again." THAT is a miracle.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Totally Random

The copy room in my office always smells like chlorine. I actually like being in there because it makes me want to go swimming. I haven't gone swimming in a really long time.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Pet Peeve

I was just reading an article online talking about Heath Ledger's performance as The Joker in the newest Batman movie to be released in a couple of weeks. I'm eager to see this movie and now Hollywood's buzzing about how this role could possibly lead to a posthumous Oscar nod. Anyway, my point of this blog is a pet peeve that arose while reading said article.
"The aura surrounding Ledger since his death is a sign that, like Dean, he could endure as a mythic figure of talent silenced before his time. " I absolutely hate it when people say "before their time" when talking about someone who passed away at a young age. See, this is how it works: when you die, no matter HOW you die, it's your time. Age is irrelevant. Yes, it's tragic when a young person dies, but when it's your time to go, it's your time and there's no changing that. I think a better way to describe a young person's passing is "untimely". And that is my rant for the morning. Have a great Tuesday, kiddies!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

a goal and a p.s.

We leave July 22 for Laguna. I've made it my goal to run/walk at least 3 miles every day until the day we leave (starting today). Progress updates to come. And PS--HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY LITTLE BROTHER, DAVID!!