Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Pet Peeve

I was just reading an article online talking about Heath Ledger's performance as The Joker in the newest Batman movie to be released in a couple of weeks. I'm eager to see this movie and now Hollywood's buzzing about how this role could possibly lead to a posthumous Oscar nod. Anyway, my point of this blog is a pet peeve that arose while reading said article.
"The aura surrounding Ledger since his death is a sign that, like Dean, he could endure as a mythic figure of talent silenced before his time. " I absolutely hate it when people say "before their time" when talking about someone who passed away at a young age. See, this is how it works: when you die, no matter HOW you die, it's your time. Age is irrelevant. Yes, it's tragic when a young person dies, but when it's your time to go, it's your time and there's no changing that. I think a better way to describe a young person's passing is "untimely". And that is my rant for the morning. Have a great Tuesday, kiddies!

1 comment:

Morgan said...

wouldn't "untimely" mean it wasn't a time meant to be or unexpected? if it was there "time"to go, then it wouldn't it be a timely death?

i'm just sayin'
