Saturday, July 18, 2009

I'm Embarking on a Journey...

I'm not technically going anywhere--I'm just shrinking my body. I'm almost 30 and I am NOT ringing in that milestone birthday as a 147 lb cow. I talked to the hubs about my plan and bless him for not objecting! Day 1 begins Monday. I'm not joining WeightWatchers, Jenny Craig, or any other insane diet program. I'm taking the Marissa approach of cleaning up my diet and hitting the weight room again. It's that simple. I don't need someone giving me a certain amount of points to count, I don't need to drink meal replacement shakes for 30 days... that's just silly. It's time to be accountable to myself (and any subsequent readers of this blog) for what I choose to eat. I've been reading all my favorite bodybuilding/fitness websites extensively for motivation and it's time, ladies and gents.

If I don't do it now, I'll never begin my journey for my ultimate goal to participate in a figure competition and that's something I hope to accomplish next summer. Yep, it's time to get my stuff together, quit just saying I'm going to slim down and just do it!

1 comment:

Live.Love.Eat said...

Good for you! Good luck. Eating clean is the way to go. If you exercise and eat foods that are closest to the way God made them then you'll do great!!!!

Thanks so much for visiting. I think you'll do great holding yourself accountable by posting a pic every month or so.