Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Screamin' Muscles and Clean Food

I am in massive amounts of pain today. I had one hell of a workout at the track this afternoon and I'm definitely paying for it. I wouldn't have it any other way, though! In keeping with this lifestyle change, we're now eating at home rather than out. I love this so much! Not only do I get an amazing workout in the afternoon while the hubs stays with the boys but I get to chow down on clean meals when I get home! It's such a wonderful feeling to be able to be satisfied after I eat rather than stuffed. AND I love knowing that what I put in my body is healthy. I've decided to post a picture of myself (this first one really makes me cringe) once every 3-4 weeks and here's the first one.

On the topic of what I'm eating, I made the most delicious clean pizza yesterday! It didn't take long at all and honestly, it's the best pizza I've ever had.
Marissa's Clean Pizza
I preheated my oven to 375 and cooked about 2 lbs of lean ground turkey (what I didn't use on my pizza slices, I refrigerated for other meals) and seasoned it with fresh grated garlic. I then toasted two slices of whole grain bread and placed them in the center of a baking sheet lined with wax paper. I used roughly two TBSP of low-sodium tomato sauce on each slice of bread and then topped each with about 1/4 c. of the ground turkey, a small handful of low-fat feta cheese, chunked up portobello mushrooms and a nice handful of fresh baby spinach. I then baked it in the oven for 10-15 minutes and oh boy was it de-lish!

Unfortunately I don't have a picture of today's clean meal--I was too hungry to take the picture! It was a small whole-wheat tortilla filled with ground turkey, fresh baby spinach and one clove of garlic. If you can't tell by now, I am a huge fan of garlic! I'm loving the groove of my cardio workouts which consists of mileage at the track, sprints, sometimes lunges, old interval stuff from my cross country days, and running bleachers. I also guzzle the water. Today, I've literally had about a gallon. I am so excited about the direction I'm going with this; I can't explain how happy working out and eating clean makes me!


Jaimee Granberry said...

Good luck girl, you can do it! Blogging will probably help you be accountable too! Oh, and you have little chicken legs- be proud of them!:)

BeautifulDisaster311 said...

Thanks, my dear! I'm blogging because as you pointed out, it'll help keep me accountable. I LOVE my legs and just want the rest of my body to match, haha. :-)

Janna said...

ditto on the legs! Ha!

I love ground turkey tacos too!

I'm already 30 but I think I need to get back to the weight room myself. Keep it up!