Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pee-Wee Basketball

My youngest child plays basketball. He plays basketball through a local YMCA and the season is concluding with a tournament which we're in the middle of. Our family is no stranger to round ball. My husband has coached the sport in some form or fashion for the last 13 years or so. Needless to say, he is coaching our youngest's team. This tournament is supposed to be fun; they're 5-7 years old and right now, they're learning the basics. Tuesday night we played a team that we'd previously beaten. I should mention that at the time, we were that team's only loss. The rematch was UGLY. Little boys were pushing, throwing elbows, illegally double-teaming our boys... I think the worst is that when we lost by two in overtime, the opposing coach walked out onto the court with his arms up in the air as if he'd just won the NBA Championship. Give me a break, dude. Compose yourself with a little more humility.

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