Friday, August 28, 2009

So Long, Farewell

It looks like it's time for our family to move on, Ladies and Gents. My husband had been working as the sports editor for the newspaper in the town where we live and unfortunately, he was laid off this week. I'm not sure how to take this. On one hand, I wasn't too keen on small-town living. However, our boys are situated in school here, they have lots of friends and our oldest is on the middle school football team.

The tides have turned now and as the hubby and I have talked about--do we stay and commute or do we leave completely? There really isn't much to stay for if I'm being honest. Most of our friends live out in the Metroplex and we find out quickly in times of turmoil who our real friends are. I love the people we've come to know but people have really shown their colors. I really think our purpose has been served in this town and I am a firm believer in the old addage, "everything happens for a reason." It's ironic. 2 weeks ago, we were having dinner with my sister-in-law and I was telling her how I'd become used to the idea that we would be there for the long haul. The last time I was at the office with my husband, I literally had the thought in my head of how long it'd take to pack up his desk.

I can't say that Wise County hasn't been good to us because it has. But I think it's time for us to move along and not look back. Time for a new adventure in this chapter of our lives. I think we're ready.


Janna said...

I like your attitude and perspective about this big change.

It sounds like you have a close and loving family and that will help you and the boys weather any sort of change.

So how's that clean eating going? I'm waiting for the update pic:)

Also, I hope you copied and pasted your comment on my blog about the pangs of motherhood. Just reading your pangs gave me pangs:) Such sweet times!

Live.Love.Eat said...

I am sorry to hear about your husband getting laid off but I do wish you luck on your new "adventure." I believe in the adage, when one door closes a window opens. :)

Really, I got laid off from my job in January that was 45 min away and it was the best thing ever. Now, I work 2 min from home and am happy. Good luck!!!