Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Workouts

I'm making nice progress but still not as fast as I'd like. I've been at this now for about a month (well, a little less than). I thought I'd give an example of the type of stuff I do. Sorry, I haven't bothered taking progress pictures yet. Something about my perfectionism gene won't let me do it yet. Call it vanity if you must. Anyway, my typical day at the gym takes up roughly 2-2.5 hours in the day, lifting 5 days/week and cardio 7. 45 minutes is spent on the treadmill where I end the session at a 12% incline for the last 5 minutes (the inclines gradually increase throughout ending at 12).

Today I'm working my back, biceps and chest where I will do the following lifts for the next 2 weeks before I change up the lifts to keep my muscles guessing. It goes like this:
wide-grip lat pulldown (3x15)
single-arm dumbbell row (3x15)
barbell curl (3x12)
hammer curl (3x12)
flat bench press (3x15)
incline dumbbell flye (3x12)

While I'm on the subject, I just have to mention that I fell off the diet wagon at dinner last night. I've been eating very well these last few weeks--down 12 lbs now. Blog friends, I felt incredibly guilty after I ate "bad". Perfectionism reared its ugly head again and I didn't enjoy falling off the diet wagon. I wonder how real body builders feel when they allow themselves a cheat meal? This has become something of a discipline to me and I love it. So why can I not enjoy letting myself eat "normally" every now and then? Oh well, no sense in going back over my love/hate relationship with food. We all know from previous posts how I feel about food. This is the ultimate goal for me. I don't know if one show will be enough now...


Janna said...

12 pounds that's great! And gaining tone is just as important. Hmm. Maybe I'll think about working out today:)

Don said...

You are very impressive with the workouts. I read and admired your efforts. If I were you I wouldn't feel the least bit sorry for enjoying a meal. From what I see...you've earned the moment itself.

You have pics.