Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Conversation With My 7-Year-Old

Tonight my 7-year-old came into my room and we saw two commercials for that movie Kick-Ass. He was telling me how much Drew wants to see that movie and here's what happened.

Brad: "Drew really wants to see that movie."
Me: "Drew will NOT be seeing that movie."
Brad: "Oh, right. Probably because it's rated R."
Me: "I don't think it's rated R but I'm not sure."
Brad: "Oh. Probably because it has a bad name he can't see it."

So he and I continue talking and a different trailer for the movie comes on in which Kick-Ass is said about 4 times. He goes, "I'm leaving. I don't want to hear that bad word anymore."

Then he comes back in a couple of minutes later to tell me that Drew is grounded for a week and that his phone's been taken away. He said he watched his phone get hidden and he promised that he wouldn't tell Drew where it was. He then says, "I bet he got grounded for trying to download another game on his phone."

Brad has always been wise for his years. I hope he always, always has the integrity he carries with him right now. I hope that the world will not jade him out of his honesty. Those are noble qualities for any man to possess and they're very, very rare. I pray for both my boys every day that God will keep them in His care and that they'll both grow to be men of honor.

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