Monday, December 1, 2008

I Wonder

My 29th birthday was yesterday. As crazy as it sounds, I always think about death at least once on my birthday. I know someone whose sister died two years ago on my birthday (killed by a drunk driver) and she was only 30, I think. Anyway, it got me thinking: is it better--for lack of a nicer term--to pass away young or at an old age? I mean, we're all going to die one day but really, I do wonder. Sometimes I think I want to die at a young age because I'm afraid of getting old, but on the flip side, I want to live to see 100 because I'm afraid to die and I don't want to miss anything. Isn't it crazy the things I think about when I have too much time on my hands?

PS--today is world AIDS day. RIP Uncle Frankie.

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