Monday, December 29, 2008

Just The Facts, Ma'am

A friend of mine challenged me via facebook to rattle off 16 random facts about myself. I responded directly but decided to post here as well. Here you go, kiddies. 16 'fun-filled' facts about me that you probably don't know.

16.) I can't stand it when my hands feel dirty. I'm not a compulsive hand-washer but I can always tell when it's time to dash to the bathroom to wash my hands by the way they feel during the day.
15.) I'm afraid to die but sometimes I wonder if it's better to die young or if I should hold out hope of living to see 100.
14.) I have made it my goal to be the ultimate hardbody by the time I turn 30 next November.
13.) I am never 100% honest with myself because then it means I have to admit my shortcomings and mistakes. If I fool myself, then reality isn't so bad.
12.) If I eat a salad frm a salad bar, I MUST put dressing on the lettuce before I put anything else on it or else I can't eat it.
11.) I am terrified of latex balloons. I don't want to be anywhere near one, especially if someone is touching it and making it squeak.
10.) I used to be afraid that someone was going to put GHB in my drinks--even at restaurants.
9.) I match my underwear to the color of my outfit. For example, I would NEVER wear a black bra or black undies if my top was brown or neutral colored.
8.) I love talking to my mom's mom and call her on a bi-weekly basis. I can tell her anything and I know she won't give me some bullshit answer and she'll support my supernatural thoughts. Plus I think it's cool that she used to have psychic visions.
7.) The older I get, the more I want to convert to Judaism. I have always felt a huge connection with the Jewish faith.
6.) Sometimes I can't believe I'm a mom because I always told myself that I would never have children.
5.) I think I've finally gotten over believing that I'm dying from an "ailment-of-the-day."
4.) I don't have a close relationship with my brother and can count on two hands (barely) how many times I've seen him since we've both been out of the house; it makes me sad.
3.) I have never not been in a relationship and have no idea what it's like to depend on just me emotionally or financially. I ponder that fact on a daily basis.
2.) I have not yet experienced the loss of an immediate family member and I dread the day it happens to me because I don't think I'm strong enough to handle it.
1.) I am afraid to poop in public. I will wait in a bathroom stall until the bathroom clears completely before I do my thing and if people start to file in while I'm doing it, I will silently bitch at them for having to go to the bathroom and continually flush the toilet so no one can hear me crap.