Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Little Slip

Yep, I put my foot in my mouth. We've all done it. Thursday I was helping a friend at her restaurant (waitressing). She owns a little mom-n-pop cafe in a small town and Thursday's special was calf fries. For those who genuinely don't know, calf fries are what I refer to as "bull balls". Anyway, I have slogan a t-shirt that I wore for the occasion that reads Pine Inch Nenis. Flip around some letters and you'll get it. I was waiting on a table full of cowboys who brought the owner her bull balls and as I was re-filling their sweet tea, I got to the last cowboy and asked, "Would you like a top off?" There was a very awkward silence and no sooner had the words come out of my mouth and I realized what I'd said so I quickly followed it with, "Of your tea!" I probably wouldn't have been so humiliated but given the fact that I am pretty well endowed, it definitely came out all wrong. I laughed it off and they were nice enough to do the same.

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