Sunday, June 7, 2009


I love food. I've always said that I could never have anorexia because I love food too much to not eat. That being said, I think I own a million cookbooks--I buy them all the time--but am sad to say that they just don't get much use. We are NEVER home because we lead a very busy life. The boys are involved in their activities which keep us busy and with The Hubs being the one-man Sports Editor for a newspaper that covers every sport for 8 schools in the county, there's always an activity that keeps us away from home.

I found a great website with some beautiful recipes for Mozzarella cheese. I love Mozzarella (and Ricotta and Feta and Cheddar, etc.)! I like to read my friend, Amii's blog because she frequently posts pictures of the meals she cooks and they all look amazing. Anyway, silly entry but I just felt like throwing in my two cents about food. Now... let's eat!

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