Monday, April 12, 2010

Morning Time Motherhood=Epic Fail.

Well, maybe not epic fail but fail nonetheless. I'm a little embarrassed to admit this but I don't make my boys' lunches. I don't make breakfast. In fact, I don't get up in the mornings because Mama will sacrifice anything in the world except sleep. Robert normally takes care of the morning routine and he worked an overnight shift last night so it fell on me today to get the boys ready for school.

I was so overwhelmed this morning that I literally stood in front of the pantry for 15 minutes trying to determine what to do first. I didn't even know where to start. Sandwich? Chips? Drink? What else? Poor Drew. He fixed himself a bowl of cereal and I asked him to fix one for Brad as well which didn't bode well for the 7-year-old. When I finally got it under control and had their lunches fixed 40 minutes later--yes, 40 minutes later--I asked Brad if he needed a snack for school.

"Does it go in your lunchbag?"
"No, Mama."
(exasperated) "Mama, are you gonna be making our lunches from now on...?"

This morning's dealings made me realize one very.important.thing. I am a mother first and foremost every day of the year... but not before 9 am! ;-)

1 comment:

Don said...

Too funny @ not before 9 o' clock in the morning. Forty minutes to make a lunch - I have to believe that was a enjoyable lunch for your sons. Sorry I have been squeezed for blog time as of lately so I haven't had the opportunity to visit as many as I would like. But I read where you spoke of Lent being a success (Thumbs up!) and your son's trip to Hooters.

He decided that he wanted to go to Hooters, correct? Ha. If so, a young teenager after my own heart.

I will be back later.