Tuesday, June 24, 2008


10 years ago I: just graduated high school.

5 years ago I: was new to living in Decatur and trying to get everyone situated in our new town.

3 years ago I: was a stay-at-home mom.

1 year ago I: was doing really well in real estate.

Yesterday I: went to work and then met my parents, Robert and the boys at Saltgrass for my mom's birthday dinner. Came home and actually went to bed EARLY!

Today I: am running errands, getting laundry done, going to go to work, and meet up with some friends afterwards.

5 snacks I enjoy: 1.) nutrigrain bars 2.) the occasional original Lay's potato chip 3.)strawberries 4.) lowfat cheddar cheese 5.) half a clif bar

5 things I would do with $1 million: 1.) tithe 2.) buy a house 3.) trade in my car 4.) trust funds for the boys 5.) travel

5 places I would love to run away to: 1.) England 2.) Scotland 3.) Ireland 4.) Vienna 5.) Hawai'i

5 TV Shows I like: 1.) TrueLife 2.) Workout 3.) Real Housewives of the OC 4.) American Idol 5.) Frasier

5 things I hate:
1.) that I didn't get to go to Iowa with my mom and the boys 2.) not being able to get enough sleep 3.) going to the bathroom in public 4.) being told what to do 5.) wearing closed-toed shoes in the summer.

5 biggest joys of the moment: 1.) I'm working a lot 2.) being with my boys 3.) it's summer! 4.) getting ready for our "grown-ups-only" vacation 5.) knowing that my 10-year reunion is just around the corner


Shauna said...

Hey girl!

You joined the blogging world!! :) Welcome! Hope you are doing well! Talk to you soon!

~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ said...

I just realized, that I know you in real life, girl.

Small World!