Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Calm

I went running again tonight. The weather has been too perfect not to. I stopped counting after lap 8 so I'm not sure how far I ran but it felt wonderful. I used to hate running track when I was in high school. I did it so I wouldn't fall out of shape for cross country which I loved. I wasn't that great and never claimed to be; I've always run for the love of doing it. I love the solitude of running (I might have inadvertently stolen that sentence from Jessy). I love it that I don't have anyone's expectations to meet but my own. I love that it's the only thing I do that is 100% for no one else but me. But mostly, I love the calm that washes over me while I'm out there. The entire world melts away and it's me, the track and my tunes. I don't worry about anything, and the only thing I care about is the rush I get after knowing that I kicked my own ass and met the challenge.

1 comment:

Don said...

Reading this made me feel lazy and uninspired, which means that I cannot tell you the last time I actually ran.

I need to, seriously.