Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Quest

In a little over a year, I will turn the big 3-0. At my 10 year reunion I had an epiphany. I don't want to approach my 30s uncomfortable or unhappy with myself. Like most women, I have been unhappy with my body for the greater part of my life. I've never been the blonde little cheerleader type, never been the most "beautiful" by the general populace's standards and I have always felt the sting.

I've made a commitment to myself that over then next year (and couple of months, give or take) that I am really going to focus on ME and the way I want to look. It's not about a diet anymore. It's a lifestyle change that I have thought about and am beginning to embrace. I will track my progress on this blog and I understand that it will not come overnight.

I'm not only imspired by fellow classmates that were at the reunion this weekend but girls at my (former) gym whom I looked up to and took advice from as well. My ultimate goal is to participate in a figure competition much later down the road like Michelle, Misty, Jill and Bridget did. I know it will take a lot of hard work and discipline but I also know I can do it. Tonight when I get home, I'm going to sit down and map out the journey. It's time. I'm ready.

1 comment:

Don said...

It's a lifestyle change that I have thought about and am beginning to embrace.

Makes perfect sense.