Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's Christmas Eve

And I still have shopping to do. I am not especially looking forward to this jaunt but it must be done or else poor Robert will have nothing to open tomorrow morning. We have been insanely busy at work and while most of my co-workers bemoan the crowds and the endless stacks of books and mags to be put back on the shelves, I absolutely thrive on the bustle! I'll probably be singing a much different tune when it's me out in it soon, haha. Tonight we'll hold up tradition and head to my grandma's house for her annual tamale dinner.

Every year on Christmas Eve, my grandma hosts an open house supper in which she serves her famous tamales. It's the only time of year she ever makes them and we all get together and make them about a week before the big event--usually about 60+ dozen. However, I always get stuck with the task of counting the dozens rather than actually helping to prepare the food. I think she must remember how much I dislike having messy hands wink, wink.

The bustle of the Christmas season is almost over for another year. I've worked hard this last week and earned these next two days off to be with my family and loved ones. I hope ya'll have a wonderful Christmas as well!


Live.Love.Eat said...

Merry Christmas !!!!!!!!

60 dozen tamales? Nice. Wow, I like the idea of an open house supper.

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

Janna said...

I love the tamales tradition! Merry Christmas!

Don said...

would love to partake in the annual tamales dinner. as i sure everyone else would as well. lol.

hope you had a merry christmas and i wish you peace, blessings and prosperity in 2010.