Monday, August 18, 2008

I hate food

I really do. Well, I have a love/hate relationship with food. I love it but I hate the way it makes me feel. I hate the guilt I feel when I over-eat. I hate the feeling that runs through my body when I over-eat. It makes me sick to my stomach and it's almost like I can feel my face getting fatter with every step I don't walk or run after I've eaten too much. I hate how I can feel the tops of my thighs brushing together.
Even my most well-intentioned days where I eat as carefully and as clean as possible don't help unless I workout really hard in the gym. I wish someone would lay it out for me and be like, "THIS is what you need to eat." It's not even a vanity thing with me. Just once I want to quit feeling guilty about the food I consume. I don't want to have to think about how physically sick I feel after I've eaten something I told myself I wouldn't. Ugh, I hate that I love food so much.

1 comment:

Don said...

Too funny @ what you said about your thighs. I feel you on the love of food, it's so good I can't help but to have a crush on it. Fortunately I don't gain weight so I just feel stuffed for the moment.

Good luck in turning the adiction around, though.