Sunday, August 3, 2008

Too honest? I'll take it!

So, I had been working a side-gig job in a local mall hawking teeth whitenings (I know, I know) since early May. I really enjoyed my job. I got to network and meet people and I made pretty decent money to boot. So, I go on vacation for 8 days and when I come back, I call to see if they need me to work this weekend since I knew they'd be short-staffed. The answer I got was that no I didn't need to come in this weekend and that we needed to have "a talk". Long story short, I was told that I am not manipulative enough to try and talk people into buying the product. I am too nice a person and too honest a person to make money for the company. Too honest? Not manipulative enough to talk people into buying? If being too honest a person is a crime, then lock me up! It was really a big complement. I like to think I have a decent amount of integrity, especially since I've been complimented on my honesty several times while working the mall job. I could have easily talked people into buying a product that wouldn't have worked on their teeth or suckered the rich people into padding my personal pockets but I would have lost sleep at night. If I can't make a buck and do it honestly, then it's totally not worth it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry about it. Yes You are too honest to work there. There time will come. Watch the company fold b/c the economy is not doing so well. Keep your head up