Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Done vs. Finished and Misuse of the Apostrophe

Let me preface this blog by stating my three biggest pet peeves: mispronunciation of words (especially "supposeably"), bad spelling and bad grammar. That being said, I cannot stress enough how irked I get when people say they're done with something rather than finished. FOOD is done, people aren't and I correct my boys every time they tell me they're "done" with something.

Another thing that drives me up the wall is misuse of the apostrophe. I can't stand it when an object is made posessive when it has no business being so. For example: I have a lot of call's to make. WTF? Ooh! Or when people sign their Christmas cards/birthday cards, what have you as a family (another example): The Morgan's. The apostrophe does not belong there! I don't know, maybe I've missed my calling as an English teacher.


Carefreeed said...

My mom was an English teacher. I was raised with "pigs are done people are finished". It is so often misused now. I cannot explain to anyone about the distinction. Can you help?


Fiddlejock said...

It is widely agreed upon by grammar experts that "done" is perfectly acceptible in that context - "finished" is simply more formal.