Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tag a la Jaimee

The Game of Tag about your MAN:

1. Who is your man? Robert

2. How long have you been together? Together for 9 years in August, married for 7 years in April.

3. How long did you date? two years

4. How old is your man? he's 10 years older than me and if you know my age, then you know his.

5. Who eats more? I'd say I definitely eat more, especially now that Robert's had lap-band surgery. I don't eat THAT much more than him, though.

6. Who said "I love you" first? I can't remember but I'm pretty sure it was him.

7. Who is taller? Robert but that's because I'm only 5'0" tall and anyone is going to be taller than me.

8. Who sings better? MEMEMEMEME ME!! Hahaha

9. Who is smarter? Robert likes to think he is so I'll just let him keep thinking that way.

10. Whose temper is worse? Oooh, Robert's by a mile! He's definitely high strung and I'm very laid back and go with the flow.

11. Who does the laundry? I do but I don't really mind it.

12. Who takes out the garbage? Again, I do that. I really need to start having the boys do that on a regular basis. Right now, they do it when I can remember to ask them to take it out.

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Robert. My side of the bed is by the window. I don't know if I like that but I'd rather a robber take Robert out than me and he's the first person they'd see, LOL.

14. Who pays the bills? Robert's the brains when it comes to money.

15. Who is better with the computer? Definitely not me. I only use it to download music, check emails and upload pictures. He does everything else.

16. Who mows the lawn? Abel. Neither of us mow the lawn.

17. Who cooks dinner? The nearest eating establishment. We're never home enough to cook and I feel bad for my children who don't have home-cooked meals but at least we're all sitting down at the dinner table. I DO miss cooking, though.

18. Who drives when you are together? I used to drive us everywhere all the time but now I let Robert do the bulk of the driving. I think it's fair because I have to pump gas when we're together and the tank is empty.

19. Who pays when you go out? Robert

20. Who is most stubborn? Definitely not me.

22. Whose parents/family do you see the most? MINE because they're all here in the Metroplex and well, because, love me, love my family.

23. Who kissed who first? he kissed me first.

24. Who asked who out? he did.

25. Who proposed? duh, Robert.

26. Who is more sensitive? No question about it; me. He's always telling me that I'm a doormat because I'm too nice to everyone even when I shouldn't be.

27. Who has more friends? I have a bunch of my own but together we have quite a few.

28. Who has more siblings? He does--2 brothers and a sister whereas I only have a brother.

29. Who wears the pants in the family? Robert thinks he does but if mama isn't happy, nobody's happy.

Tag.... it's your turn! :-)

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