Sunday, January 4, 2009

My Boys

I just got home from taking my oldest son to a community theatre audition for Annie Get Your Gun. I was a little sneaky in that I didn't tell him where I was taking him until we got there. I know I probably should have given him fair warning but the kid is a natural performer so I knew it wouldn't be as bad as he would have made it in his mind.
It wasn't a traditional audition in that he didn't read from a script and he wasn't ever on stage alone. He was amongst other children and had to sing individually in the group twice. My little thespian ad-libbed a shocked look and gasp during his 'moment' with Annie and our audience loved it! I was so proud of him for going and trying his best. He didn't half-ass the singing, was animated on stage and I was really happy to see that he felt at home up there.

Little Brother, on the other hand, would have NEVER been so bold. He is my athlete. Football and basketball have been his life since the day he was born. I was thinking about the boys' differences when I was talking to my mom this afternoon, telling her about Big Brother's triumph and I just think it's so cool to be able to watch them come into their own as people. They couldn't be more different but that's what makes them each so wonderful. Neither follows the other--they each respect each other's talent. I love these kiddos and am so proud to be their mama.

1 comment:

Jaimee Granberry said...

:) So sweet...I love teaching for that very reason! So many amazing personalities and unique interests!