Monday, January 5, 2009

Say It To My Face!

The only thing worse than a two-faced person is when they start to spread lies about you. Case in point, last night, I found out that someone I trusted was telling lies about me. I'll probably never know why and I definitely won't ever know the truth but that doesn't mean it still doesn't hurt.

I am a nice person to a fault. To a fault! If you're my friend, I have your back and I am so fucking loyal it's ridiculous. Even if a friend screws me over, I won't hesitate to give them the benefit of the doubt and keep them in my good graces. I am quick to forgive and almost always forget. Last night, though, I don't know if I can ever forget and it'll take me awhile to forgive. A guy who I thought was my friend betrayed me and lied about me making me look like some sort of hoochie which is sooo not the case. Everything that I found out that he said was a lie and what hurts me the most is that the friends who matter most to me probably believe it and I never got to defend myself.

I can handle almost any type of pain that is thrown my way, physical and emotional. But the absolute worst thing that anyone could ever do to me is to try and ruin my reputation and smear my name. I am a good person, I am an honest person and above all, I have integrity because that's what my wonderful parents instilled in me. I guess now all I really want to know is, "Why? Why did you say what you said about me?" I guess I'll never know.

1 comment:

~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ said...

I'm pretty sure people do that because it makes them feel better about themselves. At least that has always been my experience.